Shiny Happy People Documentary about the Duggar Family

Forum category

Has anyone watched the recently released documentary about the Duggar family (from TLC's hit reality show 19 Kids and Counting) and their involvement with IBLP, ATI, and Bill Gothard? I've seen the first two episodes so far, which are currently streaming for free right now on a channel called Freevee. (I don't have Amazon Prime and don't plan to get it, so I'm not sure when I'll see the other two episodes).

If you've seen any or all episodes of the documentary, what are your thoughts? What unbiblical teachings do you think this documentary highlights that Christian families should guard against in our own homes? For those who were/are involved in this movement (IBLP/ATI/Gothard), do you think the documentary gives an accurate portrayal? Why or why not?
