A Light in the Darkness

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A LIGHT in the Darkness

I am a terminal cancer survivor. At the age of four, I was given one week to live! That was 50+ years ago, so it's been a LONG week! I won't take time to go into all of my story, you can read about it on my website at joshuagoodling.com.

When people see me and hear me speak, they listen closely. Not because I'm someone important or anything, but because they have to, and my personal testimony has impacted lives all over the world.

I don't do it to make money. I do it, because I love Jesus Christ more than anything else in this world, and I have a burning desire to see more and more people come to that personal relationship with Him that will change their lives. People today need to know there is hope, even in today's dark world, and I'm so happy to know my messages have given many people something to live for.

God never told us, "You make your own dreams and plans. Let me know what they are, and I will make them happen!". No, He told us to deny self, take up our cross daily, and follow Him!

I never planned to have almost terminal cancer at the age of four.

I never planned to be single and alone for 50+ years.

I never planned to have a stroke at age 55.

But through all of this, and more - I have learned how awesome and amazing God is, and that I can and should trust Him, even if it costs me everything.

I would love to share my testimony and faith with your members. I can speak at a Sunday service, or we can plan a special week night service any day that would work best.

