Christians, the World, and Worldliness
Last night, Pastor Minnick preached one of the most helpful and insightful messages that I have ever heard on the subject of the world and the believer's relationship to the world:
"Rescued and Transferred"
This message also profoundly sheds light on the role and the work of the devil in the world.
I heartily recommend carefully listening to this message!
For us to resolve the music issues that so plague God's people in our day, every believer must come to understand the truths brought out in this message and let them guide his understanding in all things concerning the world, worldliness, etc.
Bo Rajesh, it does nothing of the sort. If one really wants to handle these things then one would need to take this significantly farther to include much of the music played at BJU, or for that made on instruments produced by human cultures or recorded on media created by same cultures. That is, applying this passage to the issues you assign would still be ultimately arbitrary in its termination point. Something else would be required to justify the termination, which means this doesn't resolve the question, since that would be the necessary termination point. Interwsting half hour, but not much practical content.
Bo Rajesh, it does nothing of the sort. If one really wants to handle these things then one would need to take this significantly farther to include much of the music played at BJU, or for that made on instruments produced by human cultures or recorded on media created by same cultures. That is, applying this passage to the issues you assign would still be ultimately arbitrary in its termination point. Something else would be required to justify the termination, which means this doesn't resolve the question, since that would be the necessary termination point. Interwsting half hour, but not much practical content.
Hi Kevin. I find your comments hard to follow. In any case, I did not claim that what was presented in this message provides a complete approach to addressing the music issues. What I did say, and stand by, is that the message addresses foundational considerations that are relevant.
If you mean it is a component that is accepted by any approach to Christian ethics, yes this is true. If you mean it provides insights into finding answers to any practical ethical question, particularly to something like music, absolutely not for the reasons noted. As I stated, the moment one makes an application from this approach it is an all or nothing matter if we see this as you do all music of any kind must go (if we assume a deontological ethic, which most in the IFB do), because the same underlying issues are universal to music of all styles, not just those that the modern pharisee finda objectionable, so the logic doesn't work.
Before you balk at the word pharisee, as someone who of the worst of the lot, it is far better to recognize that the charge is true, and repent of it, than to double down on the error. The problem ultimately is you and they have the same approach to ethics, deontology.
I blocked you on Facebook for good reason. It is time to quit climbing back into the pit from which God rescued me. Thank you for reminding me of the fact that the IFB and BJU are more of a hindrance to the Christian life rather than an asset. Associating with this board again was likely a mistake, I'm out.
Mods, please kindly delete my account.
Sadly, Kevin Short has made strong, personal attacks on me with his last comments. It is not fair for him to be able to do so and then "run" from the responses that he deserves to receive.
I request that his account not be deleted so that he has to face the responses that his comments merit.
If this approach is not acceptable to the moderators, I request that all of his comments in this thread be deleted or at least carefully edited to remove content that is not directly pertinent to the topic of the thread.
No this is not intended as an attack, if you think it is you don't know me as well as you think you do. I am noting some strong medicine I had fo take years ago, and having known you for a long time, I hope you will take it as well. I am in an SBC church, and at SWBTS and it is a much happier and healthier environment.
I will admit I threw up and was fairly sick soon after my last reply, my wife said I wasn't very coherent this morning, and I know I deleted some argumentation because the discussion isn't worth my time, (and I had fever dreams about spending a lot of time explaining paradigms in theology, meta-ethics, virtue theory and a few other issues to IFBers all while trying to finish research on my current chapter, hence my original note of phariseeism, because the deontological ethic preferred by most Fundamentalists leaves you no place else to go but phariseeism, but Grudem has the sale ultimate problem as do many I have met from Westminster, they just aren't as far along or as deep in the hole yet) but nothing is intended as an attack. Given my OCD like tendencies to re-edit things as if it were a paper (particularly since I am an android) this was vain janglings about the law best avoided. But I believed a personal admonishment from someone who has been there might help you, if you will listen. The more ai interact with you Rajesh, the more you remain the same old rajesh I knew 20 plus years ago. I was in my youth one of the worst of the lot, if you will remember. It was tough medicine to take, but needed.
That said, it did remind me of how good God was to lead me out of the IFB, and for that I really do thank you, because it makes me thank Him. I had started to reconnect with a few people following Pettit's reforms, his ouster leads me to believe that was a mistake. That is why I want out, severing my ties with the IFB and BJU (or separating if you prefer, though my approach to associations is case by case rather than partisanship, there are a few IFBers, mainly Mark Ward who I still respect, but not many). Severing ties is the best ethical choice I can make in regards to my family and I. The conversations on this board aren't helpful or healthy IMO.
As to some punishment, what are they going to do, ban me? I would likely consider it a badge of honor. Slander me? IFBers did so much of that that for so long while I was at BJU, I really don't care anymore. Unlike in my later BJU days, I have real friends who actually care these days, so I really am not all that concerned about those I knew in the past. Send me nasty emails, nothing a rule to dump it in the trash won't fix (a good thought, I'll set it up next time I start my computer). I really don't care enough for any of it to matter, provided it doesn't become something I would report to the police. Let's not be childish here, if it satisfies that human sadistic streak Nietsche wrote about in The Genealogy of Morals, go right ahead, though I will let the air out of your tires if you think any such pathetic gesture would be meaningful.
This thread has a stated subject. It is not a place for you to vent about your disagreements, etc. either with me at a personal level or with BJU, IFB, or whatever. It certainly is not a place for you to threaten anyone ("I will let the air out of your tires . . .").
If you do not have something substantive to say that pertains directly and biblically to the subject of the thread, the right thing for you to do is not to comment any further.
In his series on the world and the believer's relationship to it, Pastor Minnick has so far focused on 4 key passages:
John 17
2 Peter 2:19-20
Ephesians 2:1-3
Colossians 1:13
He began the series by extensively treating 3 key prepositional phrases from John 17.
1. To His Son, God the Father has given believers "out of the world" (17:6).
2. As a result, believers are no longer "of the world" (17:14).
3. Believers have been sent "into the world" (17:18).
His title for the messages in the series so far has been based on these 3 phrases: "Out of, Not of, Into the World."
Approaching this doctrinal area in this way provides foundational biblical understanding that is vitally needed.
I heartily recommend profiting from the messages in this series.