Stand for Life launches with ERLC help


“In addition to the ERLC, Stand for Life’s “collective partners” are Alliance Defending Freedom, Embrace Grace, Heartbeat International, Human Coalition, Lifeline Children’s Services, Live Action and Save the Storks.” - BPNews


Can (Should?) Ukraine Win the War?


“Those who would have Ukraine negotiate with Russia assume that by doing so, the costs of conflict could be avoided, rather than paid in a different currency—through ongoing crimes of the Russian regime.” - Providence


True Liberty Demands Respectful Disagreement


“Persons who believe that the truth is so easily discovered often react with moral revulsion against conservatives and reactionaries who disagree with them. Since truth is so intellectually clear, [they reason,] those who do not see it must be persons of bad will. Daily experience teaches that this is not so.” - Acton


Alliance Defending Freedom Sues the FDA Over Chemical Abortion


ADF “sued the FDA on behalf of a group of doctors … arguing not only that the FDA has disregarded evidence that chemical abortions cause complications at up to four times the rate of surgical abortions, but has misrepresented what studies reveal about the safety of the drugs.” - Breakpoint
