Hope for Elon Musk and Other ‘Cultural Christians’


“Long described as atheist or agnostic, Musk has toyed with odd beliefs like the so-called ‘simulation hypothesis’…. However, in a recent interview with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, Musk admitted admiration for Christianity” - Breakpoint


Reasons adults give for not having children


“About four-in-ten adults ages 50 and older who never had children (38%) say there was a time when they wanted to have them. About a third (32%) say they never wanted to have children, while a quarter say they weren’t sure whether or not they wanted to do so.” - Pew


Why Did Americans Stop Caring About the National Debt?


“Paradoxically, the faster government debt escalates toward an inevitable debt crisis, the less politicians and voters seem to care…. In the past eight years, President Donald Trump and then Biden enacted $12 trillion in deficit-expanding legislation” - Reason


Why pro-lifers keep losing and what to do about it


“Instead of spending our limited resources on phone calls, mailings, and media buys aimed at already convinced pro-life voters, we must be laser-focused on reaching what could be called the ‘mushy middle.’” - CPost


The World Tells Us How It Really Feels


“The recent display at the Paris Olympics stirred up a lot of controversy. Conservative sites are outraged…. The event reminded me of 1 Jn 3.13: ‘Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you.’” - P&D


National Conservatism and the Great Controversy Reborn


“The National Conservative perspective today may be abandoned tomorrow. For tariffs one day, against them the next. For raising corporate tax rates one day, for lowering them the next. Pro-Life one day, Pro-Choice the next. National Libertarian or National Populist, as long as it’s national.” - Religion & Liberty
