Wayne Grudem: engaging in politics does not distract from the gospel


“While some Christians believe that all government is bad, or that Christians should involve themselves solely in evangelism and not politics, Grudem said such views represented too narrow an understanding of government and the Kingdom of God.” More


Bible Groups Form Alliance Aimed at Reviving Bible Reading


“[American Bible Society and Scripture Union/USA ] have joined forces to fight the decline of Bible engagement in America, where 76 percent of people identify themselves as Christian but only 46 percent say they read the Bible in a given a week outside of church.” More


Media Tactics

I highly recommend reading this article- https://www.gavindebecker.com/resources/article/media_fear_tactics/ Media Fear Tactics by Gavin de Becker.
I want to help you break the code of alarming newspeak so that you can more easily find the valuable information that may (or may not) be part of a story….Though not offered as a comprehensive glossary, here are some examples of words and phrases I think you’ll quickly recognize:
