New weight loss fad

Several friends of mine are on board a new weight loss wagon- HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin drops . As with many other things, this is something that is being promoted in churches, especially amongst women. And when I say ‘promoted’, I don’t mean from the pulpit- just amongst women who often trust each other’s judgment, deservedly or not.


The Christian & Politics

I am reading two books at this time on this subject. One by Erwin Lutzer called Is God on Americas Side, and another by Charles Stanley called Turning the Tide. Both are very exciting reads so far. Lutzer has made some statements that have been clearly rebuffed in Stanley’s book by scripture. Biblically speaking it is the responsibility of the Christian to be active and to influence our leaders. Just look at the lives of Nathan, Elijah, Daniel, and Nehemiah. This is not a book on Calvinism vs.


A Parable for Our Times

The Kingdom of Washington D.C. is like a wealthy husband and wife, who have a budget problem.

They have been living beyond their means for decades. But having many non-liquid assets, and a good family name, they have always been able to mortgage this or leverage that to get more cash. They live, far, far, beyond even their considerable means.
