Parallel between Nazi Germany & Modern Day North Korea?

I’m often struck by the little thought that within the pages of history one of the foundational truths is that we apparently don’t learn from history. I keep reading about the horrible things that are happening within the borders of North Korea. I’ve heard some say, “if only we had known what was happening by the hands of Stalin”….or….”if only we had known what was happening by the hands of Hilter.” Well - we know what is happening in North Korea. So….what should be our request to the US and our International friends as it relates to North Korea?


Reflections on Republocrat: Oppression and the Left

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These reflections concern Carl Trueman’s Republocrat, Chapter 1. (For notes on the foreword and introduction, see A Serialized Review). Two questions were on my mind as I approached Chapter 1: (a) Is Trueman really a political liberal? (b) Does he accurately understand the conservatism he left behind?

Two themes comprise Chapter 1. Theme 1 is expressed in the chapter title, “Left Behind”: how those of “Old Left” (Trueman’s term) political views are now homeless because liberalism has been “hijacked by special interest groups” (p. 14). Theme 2 makes the first interesting: how Left thought about oppression developed from the 19th century to the present.

The chapter is divided into eight sections.

  • (Introductory paragraphs, p.1-2)
  • A Brief History of the Old Left (p. 2-5)
  • The Strange Love Affair of the Intelligentsia with Marxism (p. 5-6)
  • Success and Failure: the Road to Redefinition (p. 6-8)
  • Mr. Marx Meets Dr. Freud: the Changing Face of Oppression (p. 9-11)
  • How Authenticity Made the Left Inauthentic (p. 11-15)
  • Evangelicals and the New Left (p. 15-17)
  • Conclusion (p. 17-19)
