People of God: Circumcision Outer and Inner

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God first commanded circumcision of Abraham in Genesis 17. The rite was to be a token of the covenant that God had made with Abraham (17:11). It was to be applied not only to Abraham and his descendants, but also to servants who were born in his house and slaves he had purchased from foreigners (17:12-13). Any males who were not circumcised were to be cut off from the people as covenant breakers.

Circumcision modified the body as a physical evidence that God had chosen Abraham and his offspring. It was a mark or token of inclusion in the promised nation. In principle, to be circumcised was to claim a share in the promise and to wear the badge of participation as an heir. But paradoxically, the introduction of circumcision also implied that not everyone who received the sign would actually receive the promise. Why? Because at the very time that Abraham was commanded to institute circumcision, he was clearly told that Ishmael would not receive the promise (17:18-21). Nevertheless, Ishmael received circumcision (17:26).

From the very beginning it should have been clear that circumcision was neither an efficacious means to gaining nor an infallible sign of possessing the promise. All those who were heirs of the promise were obligated to receive circumcision, but not all those who received circumcision became heirs of the promise. Though circumcision was a sign or token of inclusion, it was not an infallible sign. Something more was always required.


Catholic intensity fades as evangelical devotion surges


“New research shows that Catholics now report the lowest proportion of ‘strongly affiliated’ followers among major American religious traditions, while the data indicates that evangelicals are increasingly devout and committed to their faith.” WP Story


Church of England: No female bishops (yet) and a looming constitutional crisis


“Parliament is impatient,” Fittall warned. “Unless the Church of England can show very quickly that it’s capable of sorting itself out, we shall be into a major constitutional crisis in Church-State relations, the outcome of which cannot be predicted with confidence.”


Addiction, addict, adjudged.

Addiction, addict, adjudged.

There are certain words, which describe the situation or circumstances of a group of people or indeed an individual, which have fallen into misuse. The kind of misuse that gives glory to humanity, while bringing into question the sovereignty of the Eternal Almighty. The wrong interpretation/understanding of these words and their continued misuse denies His sovereignty in administration.
