What are third parties good for?


“A successful third-party run can siphon enough voters away from the major parties to force one or both of them to adjust their principles, policies, and rhetoric in an effort to bring those lost voters back in to the major party umbrellas.” - WORLD


Pro-life loses in Ohio


“On Tuesday, Ohioans voted 57 to 43 percent in favor of adding a sweeping right to abortion to their state constitution.” - N.Review


The Internet After Twitter


“It turns out that, contrary to what years upon years of social media conditions us to think, you actually don’t have to post things every time the thought occurs to you to post things. You can just… not.” - Mere Orthodoxy


A Simple Way to Filter the Daily News


“The viewpoints I encountered on the radio were too extreme. … I signed up to receive one daily news summary from an apparently reasonable right-of-center organization (The Morning Dispatch) and one daily news summary from an apparently reasonable left-of-center news organization (Axios).” - Kenneth Berding


America’s Problem Is With Civility, Not Free Speech


“The erosion of civility not only undermines the fabric of society but also weakens the nation’s ability to stand united in the face of external threats. It is a wake-up call to recognize that a house divided against itself cannot withstand threats from without.” - Providence
