Is war with North Korea likely?

It’s in the news constantly. Is Kim Jong-un going to actually start a war, and a nuclear one at that? Or is he the boy who cried “wolf” so many times that the rest of the world refuses to bow to his demands?

Will he start a war “by accident,” playing around with missiles until one accidentally hits an unintended target? With a leader whose sanity we might question, anything could happen.

There is a lot going on here, no doubt. Most people believe that China is the key. Some have compared our current state to the Cuban missile crisis.


Moore joins call for 'solution' for childhood immigrants


“Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission President Russell Moore is among a coalition of evangelicals urging government leaders not to deport individuals brought to the United States illegally when they were children.” BPress


Charlottesville, Confederate Memorials, and Southern Culture


“If the brick of the Confederacy is removed from the castle of Southern culture, the building will not collapse. … Southern culture is vastly greater than slavery and the Civil War. … therefore the removal of some or all of the Confederate symbols would not cause the castle of Southern culture to collapse.” DesiringGod
