Early Court Rulings on Preferred Pronouns in the Workplace


“if your employer demands you use another’s preferred pronouns, and you cannot in good conscience comply, can your employer fire you? As with many legal questions, the answer is ‘it depends.’” - TGC


Jordan Peterson wrestles with God


“In a new lecture tour to support a forthcoming book, the psychologist and public intellectual hews ever closer to Christianity, tantalizing fans who take their cues on converting from his secular but religiously curious thought.” - RNS


How significantly have ecological or environmental factors contributed to the huge increase in LGBTQ numbers?

Dr. Leonard Saxe and others have written about how environmental estrogens are messing with gender among fish and wildlife in general. We have female fish with male parts and vice-versa, for example. Even population declines are best explained (in some nations) as a result of lower sperm counts, lower testosterone numbers, etc.

Here is one secular article that discusses this: https://nothinghumanisalien.substack.com/p/are-xenoestrogens-causing-a-…


But Is It Worth It? A Question To Christian Trumpists


“I know some Christian Trumpists who will simply say that, in spite of Trump’s character flaws, they will support him because the alternative is always worse. My question to Christian Trumpists is: But is it worth it?” - Roger Olson


Married People Are Living Their Best Lives


“In 2023, married adults ages 25 to 50 are 17 percentage points more likely to be thriving than adults who never married, up from 12 percentage points in 2009.” - IFS
