“Christmas with The Chosen” breaks box office record


“Despite showing in only 1,700 theaters, the special finished in the top five in the box office during the weekend of Dec. 3 – 5, and had the highest per-screen average of any movie during the weekend.” - BPNews


Christian groups, including Answers in Genesis, ask Supreme Court to stop Biden employer vaccine mandate


“The First Liberty Institute, a legal nonprofit specializing in religious liberty cases, filed an emergency application for stay with the nation’s high court over the weekend on behalf of multiple faith-based organizations, arguing that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration vaccine mandate violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.” - CP


“Technoshamanism”: Why a Post-christian Future Is Still Religious


“Visitors are welcomed by quotations from French artist Lucile Olympe Haut’s ‘Cyberwitches Manifesto,’ which urges readers to, among other things, ‘use smartphones and tarot cards to connect to spirits’ and ‘manufacture D.I.Y. devices to listen to invisible worlds.’” - Breakpoint
