Liberty: An Ideal Rooted in Our Very Humanity


“This Fourth let’s remember the roots of our republic—the idea of liberty—which slowly spread to embrace every American in every walk of life. No one is promised equality of outcomes in their life. But everyone should cherish the promise that liberty provides as they pursue their vocations.” - Acton


The Religion of Secularism


“Secularism is the belief that man does not need God or God’s laws in man’s social, governmental, educational, or economic affairs. Ironically, secularism rejects religion, yet is itself a religion.” - Ligonier


Support Drops for Same-Sex ‘Marriage’


“A recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that support for same-sex “marriage” dropped by at least two points last year, and support for “gay rights” anti-discrimination policies fell by four points.” - Breakpoint

Related: Same-Sex Relations, Marriage Still Supported by Most in U.S. - Gallup
