9 Reasons People Don’t Join in Worship Singing


1. They don’t know the songs…. 2. We are singing songs not suitable for congregational singing…. 3. We are singing in keys too high for the average singer…. 4. The congregation can’t hear people around them” - Church Leaders


Former Southwestern Seminary professor Matt Queen indicted


“A former Southern Baptist seminary professor and interim provost has been indicted on a charge of obstructing justice in a sexual misconduct case, the Department of Justice announced Tuesday (May 21).” - RNS



Christianity and the School Choice Movement


“School Choice has opened Christian education (and private education of all kinds) to people who could not previously afford it….We need a new generation of teachers to rise to the challenge to do this very important work.” - Proclaim & Defend


People Aren’t Rejecting Jesus. They Just Don’t Care


“the landscape has shifted. We now find ourselves in a culture where the active rejection of Jesus is no longer necessary, as it’s already the prevailing assumption…..if they don’t care, we need to stop defending the faith and give them a reason to care.” - Phil Cooke
