Theology Thursday – To Diognetus on Christian Citizenship

Nobody knows who Diognetus was, but he was apparently a Hellenist who was interested in learning about the Christian faith. The unknown author (some believe it could be Polycarp) wrote this letter to explain a bit more about the Christian faith, likely sometime during the late 2nd century.


Do Parallel Universes Exist?

Most of us are familiar with the distinction between facts and the interpretation of facts. Objective facts are often interpreted based upon the worldview, paradigms, assumptions, culture, and even personality of the interpreter. Facts do not change. Our interpretation of facts may.


Two Lessons from Two Radically Different Funerals

By Jordan Standridge. Reposted from The Cripplegate.

Funerals are a gift from God. I know that sounds crazy, but they are a God-given tool to force us to reflect on the brevity of life, and how finite we are as human beings. I truly do believe that humans should attend as many funerals as possible during their lives. It is that good for your soul.

I had the privilege of attending two recently, and they could not have been more different from each other.


The disturbing rise of genderless babies


“In a piece in this month’s issue of The Cut, the author, Alex Morris, explores the idea of raising babies who are ‘theybies’: neither boy nor girl. As the “theybe” grows, the baby will determine his or her own gender, choose it when the baby wants, and then live that way — at which point, the parents will go along.” W. Examiner


New discovery sheds light on dark matter


“ ‘Finding a galaxy without any [dark matter] is completely unexpected; it challenges standard ideas of how galaxies work,’ Allison Merritt, one of the researchers, said in a statement. A paper describing the discovery appears in the journal Nature.” BPNews
