Why would God send a bear to maul children?


“Gleason Archer puts everything in perspective when he describes this large roving band of teenagers as ‘a serious public danger, quite as grave as the large youth gangs that roam the ghetto sections of our modern American cities.’” - C.Index


Can God Make Us Freely Love Him?


“In his book God Reforms Hearts: Rethinking Free Will and the Problem of Evil, [Thaddeus Williams] reexamines the place that libertarian free will has taken in Christian responses to the problem of evil, and more particularly whether authentic human love requires libertarian free will.” - TGC


Contradictions in Genesis?


“On the surface Genesis 1 and 2 appear to contain discrepancies. This is called antinomy and occurs elsewhere in the Bible…. however, careful thought uncovers the solution.” - DBTS Blog


Book Review: “The Intolerance of Tolerance” by D. A. Carson


“This older view of tolerance makes three assumptions: … (3) nevertheless they hold that the best chance of uncovering the truth of the matter, or the best chance of persuading most people with reason and not with coercion, is by the unhindered exchange of ideas” -
