Three Healthy Responses to Eternal Security

“I am secure in Christ. I no longer have to fear death. I can never be condemned. No matter what I do, I cannot end up in hell. I am going to live like the devil and get away with it.” These last words reflect spiritual immaturity at best—lack of true regeneration at worst.


NT Prophecy and Tongues Today? An Introduction

This article (part 1 in the series) posted at Sharper Iron in 2018. It is reposted here with original comments included.

Perhaps one of the most debated topics among modern Christians is the subject of New Testament (NT) prophecy and tongues. Many believers in our day are raising the question, “Are the New Testament gifts of prophecy and tongues still for today?” This isn’t just a modern question. It’s been raised from time to time throughout the history of the church.


100 Times through the Psalms!

God allowed me to reach a glorious milestone in my life yesterday morning--I finished reading the book of Psalms for the 100th time since I was saved in 1990! The leading impetus for my intense immersion in the Psalms over the last 12 years (75x through the book since 2012) has been my belief that knowing God's mind fully about what music He accepts in corporate worship is only possible through saturating our minds with His premier revelation about music!


Ozempic: The Death of the Deadly Sins?


“the prophets of Ozempic are afflicted with a kind of myopia that requires its partisans to ignore subjective experiences of desire. They imply that we must dismiss any notion that our desires or their consequences can be managed by the will, intellect, or a ‘higher power’ ” - Law & Liberty
