The Folly of Pure Incarnational Ministry


“…(O)ur model of Jesus has to be one that He commends. This means that, while maintaining all appropriate humility and never considering ourselves morally superior, we will discriminate against false teachers, not converse with them. This means we will have to know what constitutes true teaching and what constitutes false teaching.”
-David Wayne, JollyBlogger


Are You A "Crunchy Con"?


“Crunchy Cons prefer smaller houses, older things, the musty truth of Scripture. ‘Culture is more important than politics and economics’ is a bullet-point, as is ‘Beauty is more important than efficiency… . Small, Local, Old and Particular are almost always better than Big, Global, New and Abstract.’ Meanwhile, ‘The relentlessness of media-driven pop culture deadens our senses to authentic truth, beauty and wisdom.’”


Reflections on the Imago Dei and Procreation

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Being omnipotent, our Creator had options. He could have done it otherwise. That Jehovah God passed over so many potentialities for this world, and that He called this world—the one that He had in fact made—“very good” infuses our world with significance, joy, and awful wonder. Because God had such meticulous intentions for our world, we who fear Him can profit from reflecting on His ways in creation.
