A Prayer of Repentance


“We confess that we are not willing to pay the high cost of discipleship. We try to be as worldly as we think we can get away with. We prefer to squeeze our faith in around the edges of life, rather than to let you stand at the center to control everything we are and have.”
This prayer penned by Phil Ryken is trully must-reading…and must-praying.


A Soldier Writes from Iraq

NOTE:The note written below is from Captain Steve Davies. He is a Captain in the Army on his second tour in Iraq. He served four years as prior enlisted in the Air Force. He accepted Christ during those years. When he left the Air Force, he enrolled at International Baptist College and over the next five years received both his BA and MA degrees in Bible.


"If I say something harsh the head of SharperIron may just give me the end of the spear."


“I’m hesitant to say anything negative about Jason. When I met him at last year’s GodBlogCon he looked like he wanted to punch me in the mouth — and that was during a friendly dinner! If I say something harsh the head of Sharper Iron may just give me the end of the spear.”
-Joe Carter at The Evangelical Outpost jabs Jay (and many other Christians bloggers) in “Royal Rumble in Godblogdom.”




Dan Loggans has some questions about recent coverage at SI.
