Hurry Up and Wait

The other day, I was sitting at a red light, and the words came out of my mouth that have often rolled around in my head. “Oh, come on! What’s the deal with this light?” After all, this light had just extended my massive six-minute drive into a serious eight-minute intrusion into my busy life! Unfortunately, my impatience was mirrored in the reactions of the four- and six-year-old children who were in my car. Jonathan said, “Yeah. Hurry up, you slowpoke light.” Savannah made a similar comment. “That’s a stupid light.” Talk about conviction!


What the Pope Said That Upset So Many

The next time George Bush is watching Fox News and sees himself being burned in effigy in a foreign country, one of his staff needs to tell him, “Don’t take it much to heart, Mr. President. They do the same thing to the Pope!” At the risk of writing for little interest on this website, I thought I would explain what all the fuss is that the Pope stirred up in Regensburg and what that means to Bible-believing Protestants.


The Adoption Fund is Complete!


Beth Murschell expresses thanks for the funds that will enable them to pursue adopting Chloe. Click here to read her note.


Preaching, Plagiarism, and Pride


Another evangelical telling you dumb, nonsensical, proud, inept pastors to quit studying for sermons. Just copy the best. Click here for true nonsense.


Week Two Standings


Here are the top five in the SI Fantasy Football League based on win/loss record and most points earned:
1. Matt Tolosa (2-0)
2. Jay Camp (2-0)
3. Brian Cooper (2-0)
4. Dave Welsch (1-1)
5. Frank Sansone (1-1)
We had quite a shakeup in the standings this week. Lots of upsets. Good stuff.
You can take the smack talk here.
