Suffering Women to Learn?

In The Nick of Time
by Deborah Forteza and Kevin T. Bauder

“But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man…”
1 Timothy 2:12

Is it ever right for a seminary to give theological education to a woman? That depends upon what you think the purpose of a seminary is.


Falwell's Son Receives Unanimous Vote


Last evening, Jonathan Falwell, son of Jerry Falwell, was called to be the next Pastor of the Thomas Road Baptist Church by a unanimous vote. Read here.


God-Focused Conversation and Worship

I am a devoted pursuer of this topic. Sure, I like ice cream, oak furniture, running shoes, fast bikes, tuned skis, ocean beaches, and exotic cultures. I drink Mountain Dew. I enjoy good mountaineering. I sprint after my kids for some fun tickle-tag, and I smooch my wife (an absolute blast). But it is God at the center who brings everything into true joyous praying.jpgharmony.


Announcement By Dan Burrell


Dan Burrell announced his resignation as Senior Pastor at Northside Baptist Church today and asks for prayer for God’s direction for his family and the church. Read more here.


Moderating Message Boards


A bit old, but I thought this list had some good thoughts for blogging communities. Some mildly offensive language in the comments following.
