The Case for Poland

“Stover, are you sure you know what you’re doing? You mean to tell me that my grandkids are going to be ‘Pollocks’?”

That was my father-in-law’s response (himself a missionary in Thailand for more than thirty years) to the news that my family and I were leaving our ministry in Chicago to join a church planting team in Poland. He was joking, of course, but theReagan's Speech reaction was a common one as we prepared to head to the field.


The Basic Plot of Scripture, Part 1

What is the Bible about? Can we reduce it to a basic plot summary? Like any other literature, it tells a story. Some elements are crucial; other elements elaborate. Granted that everything God says is true and important, He nevertheless emphasizes some things over others. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit superintended the arrangement of revelation into a osborne_earth_from_space.jpgparticular form and order. What is that form and order?


Promise Unfulfilled

Editor’s Note: 9Marks Ministries recently dedicated their recent eJournal issue to discussing Fundamentalism. SharperIron has received permission from them to reprint the articles here for discussion. We will post ten articles over the next two weeks. If you would like the complete eJournal or would like to subscribe to further editions, please go to
