John Hagee Apologizes for Comments on Catholics
Televangelist John Hagee apologizes for comments regarding Catholics brought to light after his endorsement of John McCain.
Story HERE.
Story HERE.
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
The new owner is Aaron Blumer. No, that’s not the guy who has been editing the articles, running the advertising, and contacting authors. That is Adam Blumer. Aaron is his older brother.
The long-awaited day has finally come. I am stepping out of SI and handing it over. One year ago, I was sent out by my home church to plant a new church in downtown Denver. It soon became obvious to me that my time at SI was coming to an end.
by John C. Whitcomb, Th.D.
Read Part 1.
Sanders, Fred & Klaus Issler, eds. Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: An Introductory Christology. Nashville: B&H. 2007. 244 pp. Softcover. $24.99.