The New Owner of SharperIron

Aaron BlumerThe new owner is Aaron Blumer. No, that’s not the guy who has been editing the articles, running the advertising, and contacting authors. That is Adam Blumer. Aaron is his older brother.


Pastors Urged to Preach Politics to Test Regulations


Pastors are being urged by a conservative legal group to preach political sermons in violation of current IRS code so that it can be tested in the courts and possibly over-turned.
Story HERE.


Parenting Overwhelming?


Overwhelmed with the challenge of parenting? Jay Younts reminds parents to come to Christ: “If your grasp of the greatness and glory of God is based only on vague memories from past sermons, don’t expect your children to be pleased at the prospect of obeying God.” Click here to read further.


Book Review: Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective

Sanders, Fred & Klaus Issler, eds. Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: An Introductory Christology. Nashville: B&H. 2007. 244 pp. Softcover. $24.99.
