Book Review and Giveaway

GiveawayOver the past few weeks, I have been thumbing through InterVarsity Press’s most recent “Black Dictionary.” For what it is worth, I am impressed! Not only is this a very attractive dictionary (jacketed, cloth bound hardcovers, a crisp font and clear page format), but it is also chock-full of the technical data a researcher requires.


ACLU Funds Opposition to Prop. 8 in CA


ACLU has contributed $1.2 million to fight the anti-“gay marriage” Proposition 8. Supporters hope to match that in donations. Story here.


National Day Of Evangelism


Fundamentalist leaders call for a “National Day of Evangelism” on October 18, 2008. For more information read here.


Culture, Context, and Conscience

Missiological Reflections on Issues of Personal Sanctification

Pull QuoteMissiology has been described “as a gadfly in the house of theology, creating unrest and resisting complacency, opposing every ecclesiastical impulse to self-preservation, every desire to stay what we are, every inclination toward provincialism and parochialism” (Bosch 1991, 496).


Has the Megachurch Trend Peaked?


Amid signs that megachurch growth is slowing, Willow Creek and other churches tweak their strategies. Story here.
