Our Own Ninevah

Jonah's WhaleAsk anyone, churched or unchurched, to list a remarkable story in the Bible, and many people would say “Jonah and the Whale.” One part of that story, though, that is often overlooked is the end of the book when Jonah pouts because God poured His grace on the wicked Ninevites. How many preachers do you know would be upset because God used them for a city-wide revival?


Getting to Know You, Part 1

Jim Peet, Forums Director

I was asked to provide my testimony for SharperIron. I am trusting that God might use this to bless a reader. I was saved in November 1969 through the ministry of Hebrew Christians at the University of Cincinnati and the ministry of Westwood Baptist Church in Cheviot, Ohio (Metro Cincinnati).


Help With SI's Bills


SI has a bandwidth bill due by the end of October. Donations of $5 or $10 from long-time readers would help a great deal with that and other expenses. Thanks to the many who have already given.
