Understanding the New Covenant

The message of the Epistle to the Hebrews is so important for our day that I have been rephrasing it and emphasizing aspects of it section by section. The next portion in sequence is significant enough to look individually at each verse and 1005175_christian_cross__11.jpgcarefully consider what is being declared.


Bad News for Ecumenism


“Local Churches Together groups often have a good level of commitment… but you won’t find much interest in what you might call the ‘negotiating’ side of unity. A concern for common witness and a relaxed attitude to common worship, yes, but not much keenness on what the official bodies are up to in their dialogues.” - Archbishop Rowan Williams
Full story here.


All You Really Need Is "Heart"? Part 3

Editor’s Note: This article was originally posted on March 22, 2007.

Read Part 1 and Part 2.

Many Christians see the intellect and intellectual activity as second rate at best. To them, the non-rational features of our being are more trustworthy, more receptive to spiritual things, and more alive.
