The Curious Fellowship of the Distance Athlete

This article was inspired by three spoken words. Recently, while in the midst of a three-mile run around my neighborhood (part of a personal dedication to physical fitness that has miraculously lasted two months and counting), I found my pace slackening on an uphill stretch, which has continually gotten the best of me. It’s that part of a run when you start to ask 1122022_running_on_the_beach.jpgyourself rhetorical questions to justify a lesser effort.


Psalms Singing—The Why and How

PsalmsIn many conservative gospel-preaching churches, the only thing rarer than drums is Psalms singing. This seems particularly odd in view of the fact that most of these churches insist on musical worship that is biblical, that is deeply rooted in history, and that has stood the test of time. What songs are more biblical, more historically rooted, and more timeless than the 150 songs that God Himself breathed out more than 2,000 years ago?


Church Honors Pianist


Those who serve in church music ministries may find great encouragement in this tribute to Cliff Boyce, who served as a church pianist for 30 years and made an impact on many lives.
Read and listen here.
