The "philosophy and practice of comprehensive, age-segregated, programmatic youth ministry" is "contrary to the ministry patterns of Christ"


Christian Post: Modern Youth Ministry ‘Unbiblical,’ Ministry Leader Claims

“This slippery slope of age segregation leads to the isolation of an individual’s perspective to one that only looks outward from within the confines of their age group and excludes the lessons that can and should be learned from previous generations”


What Fear and Trembling?

So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work, for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:12-13, NASB).

My study of Philippians has been in progress for some time now, and having reached chapter 2:12-13, I have found some ideas that may be of interest to SI readers.

The general lack of fear and trembling

Many of the problems in our Lord’s church arise from a lack of proper fear and trembling when people work out their salvation (by which I mean they are attempting to make right decisions in light of their understanding of God and His purposes).

Despite this plea of Paul, many people overlook the second half of the phrase, while acknowledging the first. I suspect that most of the people filling the churches in America, if asked whether they are working out their salvation, would affirm that they feel they are on the right path, moving forward spiritually, in tune with God, doing what they feel is right, etc. If asked, however, about daily fear and trembling before God, honesty would compel most to admit that they have little or none.

Christians make decisions of all sorts every day about music, activities, food and drink, clothing, manner of speech, attitude, deportment, ministry, schooling, entertainment, destinations, goals, and many other things. How many of those decisions really reflect proper fear and trembling before God? Do people show fear of abusing God’s grace and patience in American church business meetings? How many decisions are made with selfish, pragmatic or economic motives? Though failure to fear God is associated with wicked persons (Rom. 3:18, Ps. 36, etc.) the church is rife with people who make countless decisions with no fear of God before their eyes.


Book Review - Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill

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  • Random House Publishing Group; Reprint edition (May 11, 2004) Paperback‏: ‎336 pages

Biographies are an indispensable part of the Christian’s library—but whose do we read? Not only are we faced with the dilemma of which biography to read, but we are also faced with the dilemma of which biographer to read. Here’s one I think is worth the time of reading for several reasons. First, it is a biography of a formidable personality. While Churchill’s contribution to the advancement of Christianity is negligible if it exists at all, he occupies a major role in world history. If nothing else, Churchill is fascinating. Often quotable, sometimes admirable, and occasionally despicable, he appears to be larger than life. Second, it is a well-written biography. Ruben does an excellent job of differentiating her account of Churchill’s life from the over 650 other accounts: “I decided to write a biography that would make my case for my Churchill but also press the opposing arguments—a biography that would convey the ambiguities of his character and reputation as well as the elementary themes of his life” (7-8).

Finally an unexpected delight was Rubin’s habit of explaining what labor and obstacles any biographer faces:

No biography can be complete or conclusive…. Layers of fact pile higher and higher, and each additional fact may change the picture of the subject. A biographer’s choice to highlight or dismiss certain episodes—controversial, offensive, or poignant—can vividly color a portrait. Readers unfamiliar with the subject’s life are blind to the artful selection that’s taking place” (221).

Her chapter 34 heading is “Churchill Exposed: Missing Information Supplied.”
