Musician teaches young girls that modest is hottest


“After I started selling those [“modest is hottest” ] shirts, I realized that girls weren’t just buying it because they wanted a cute T-shirt or a souvenir … . They really wanted to support that it’s possible to live a life of modesty that pleases God and still look cute and trendy.” Baptist Standard


White Christians and ethnic Catholic the most underrepresented Americans at Harvard


Bias and bigotry in academia Elite college admissions officers may prattle about “diversity,” but what they mean is the African-American contingent on campus should be 5 percent to 7 percent, with Hispanics about as numerous. However, “an estimated 40-50 of those categorized as black are Afro-Caribbean or African immigrants, or the children of such immigrants,” who never suffered segregation or Jim Crow.


John Whitehead on Westboro Baptist Church's protests at military funerals


Snyder v. Phelps: Will Misguided Patriotism Destroy Free Speech? If we’re not fighting to keep America free for Fred Phelps and other free speech extremists like him—if all we’re fighting for in this endless war on terror is some misguided sense of patriotism (and that’s all it really boils down to when you study these briefs in support of Snyder), then we’re fighting for the wrong thing.


Hugh Hefner saves the Hollywood Sign


Hef’s Peak “I grew up in a very typical Midwestern Methodist home, with a lot of repression,” Hefner said. “My other home was the movies. It’s the movies that fuelled my dreams and fantasies. The Hollywood sign symbolized all that.” More on: The Hollywood Sign


Churches making mainstream films to attract souls


“ ‘Movies are the stained-glass windows of the 21st century, the place to tell the Gospel story to people who may not read a Bible,’ says Michael Catt, senior pastor of Sherwood in Albany, Ga.” More
