Another worship music debate
Please Omit Music (or Else)Most of the early Protestant reformers, including John Calvin and Martin Luther, opposed the use of musical instruments in worship, and Puritans have always set strict limits on what kinds of music were permissible.
Ruh-LOO-pa's high bar for any government action that would impose zoning or other restrictions on a religious institution
Zoning Law Aside, Mosque Projects Face BattlesThe Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, whose initials are commonly pronounced Ruh-LOO-pa, was approved unanimously by Congress in 2000
Dale Goetz: "Our love for freedom is worth dying for and many have gone before us to preserve this freedom"
Time: Army Chaplain Dale Goetz, RIPCaptain Dale Goetz became the first Army chaplain to die in combat since Vietnam when a roadside bomb killed him and four fellow soldiers in Afghanistan on Monday. His is a passing worth pondering.
Dr. Carl Moeller: "Rhetoric being used by opponents of the proposed mosque near ground zero can result in violence against Christians living in Muslim-dominated countries"
NYC Mosque Rhetoric May Harm Persecuted Christians“We talk often about our rights as Americans to protest. It is true,” Moeller said. “But we also have responsibilities, not only to our societies but to those vulnerable communities that are at risk because of our actions.”
Court: Evangelist May Continue Defamation Suit against ABC's 20/20
Prosperity preacher Frederich Price says ABC intentionally took a sermon excerpt out of context to make him look bad. More