John Whitcomb's "Encounter God's Truth" Program Debuts this Weekend

Press release… EGT debuts on radio this weekend The official launch of Dr. John Whitcomb’s new radio ministry will take place this weekend. “Encounter God’s Truth” will air Sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. (central time), beginning Sept. 4, on the VCY America Radio Network. To listen live to VCY America, go to For a listing of stations on the VCY America Radio Network, visit You can always hear the program, and invite a friend to listen with you, at That is where you will also find more than 500 of Dr. Whitcomb’s messages that you can listen to freely at any time. With gratitude to God and to VCY America for this beginning on radio, Whitcomb Ministries invites you to pray that the Lord will bless our efforts by allowing us to place the program on many more stations and networks in the days to come.
