"...(R)egarding the Mormon thing, I think we should regard Beck as an Apollos and pray for a Priscilla and Aquila in his life, to steer him better."

Andrée Seu of WORLD identifies Mormon Glenn Beck as ” a new creation in Christ” in “The flavor of Tea, Part 3” A response from Justin Taylor Another perspective from WORLD’s Marvin Olasky From Seu’s article-
It was obvious to me that he was a new creation in Christ. I know he’s Mormon and all that. I also remember reading a book by Professor Harvey Conn decades ago that said that you have to be very careful when judging a person’s salvation—some people with lousy theology have their hearts right with God, and some people with impeccable theology are cold toward God.


I must be on a trend. This is my second serious posting in two weeks…after years of nothing. Greg isn’t going to know what’s come over me! :) Seriously, Romans 10:9 indicates that it is vital that we both acknowledge who Jesus is AND what He did (does) in order to be saved. I wonder if the gospel hasn’t been watered down to the point that in evangelicalism we are willing to accept someone as being a Christian if he merely believes half of what the gospel teaches. By denying that “Jesus is Lord” the Mormons undo the part of the gospel that seems to me to be most essential, why Jesus had the right to die for our sins. Without that right (or righteousness), He was just another person being martyred for His cause.

Does anyone at World know the gospel anymore? You would think that an editor would have stricken that from the pages and asked to speak with Seu.

One more reason why I don’t read it, I suppose.

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells