"To elect a Mormon president is to advance the cause of the Mormon Church"

Before we as professing believers regress to 19th and 20th century practices of voting according to color, gender, race, “what’s in it for me”, or “He’s Catholic and the Pope will rule the States”, [that was the fear with Al Smith and John Kennedy] take a moment and reorient yourself into the realm of real life. Whoever started this thread, have you considered how many high ranking Mormons have held Cabinet positions? Or do you ever think that Catholics are duty bound to Papal machinations (consider the Kennedy’s’, or Pelosi, or Newt the “yesterday I was a Baptist but now I’m Catholic”? They are but I don’t think they exactly follow the script for sainthood.

To eliminate Romney or Huntsman or Gingrich, or Santorium, or Libertarian Free-thinkers just because of their moral and core beliefs is almost as brilliant as electing Bill “never met a woman I didn’t like” Clinton — AND HE WAS A BAPTIST (at least in name only.)

Hey, let’s go another step — how about born-again union agitators? Again, may be in name only, but let’s face it, James Carvell was right once in his Cajun life—”IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID!!” You bet—we vote the what’s best for ME. American as an individualistic nation has sacrificed the many for the few. Get off our soap boxes about Mormons—ever have one work for you? I’ll bet (figuratively) that’s your best worker while the “brethren” who spit out Scripture to justify some point of theology are most likely slugs, thugs, and pagans in the workplace. [Based on 10 years of personal experience].

Mitt is not going to have all of his “hand maidens” with him in the White House anymore than Gingrich (an adulterer by the way) will grab his Catechism every time he has to make a decision. Consider their “faith” [loosely interpreted] as a mater to take into account; however, it is the one with the strongest work ethic, a demonstrated business acumen, proven success when difficult executive decision making that may hold the balance of our globe’s financial or peaceful future, and who displays a philosophy of the greater good [not just the next 8 years but for the next 50].

Don’t vote with your theology alone. Set aside your union bosses personal interests in using you. Read!! Listen!! Ask questions!! But if you [editorially speaking] would prefer not to vote, then just put duct tape over your mouth until the next election. Have a good day.


I love George W. Bush as a politician and probably as a Christian brother, but if he were a member of my church, he’d be under church discipline for the sin of non-attendance. I don’t believe he attends any church, even after his presidency. Jus’ sayin’.

The only time I would be hesitant about the religion of a president is looking at how they let it effect their policy. I’m certain that Obama isn’t a Muslim, but if he is, he’s doing a poor job at pushing radical Islam on the country after assassinating so many top leaders of Al-Qaida. Frankly, he’s governing just as I would expect a mainline-denomination-affiliated President to govern. Romney’s opportunities as President to push Mormonism are so little, that I don’t see it as a big deal. His past governance of Massachusetts is a bigger deal. But that’s another thread on another blog.

I am disinclined to vote for Mitt Romney because he’s…well… Mitt Romney. But there is an added aversion to voting for him because he is a Mormon. Unlike Huntsman, he is a “true believer.”

I do not think he would aid Mormonism in America, but I do think as President, he would lend remarkable credibility to Mormon missions oversees, especially in third world nations, where Mormon missions has been very aggressive. When I have been overseas, national pastors I have spoken with are horrified at the prospect of a Mormon US President. All it would take is a private word in the ear of a foreign leader by Romney to elevate the status of Mormon missions overseas.

The Mormon Defense League is gonna need to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minus the caffeine. Mud is going to be flying everywhere.

Of course, it would be an all American sensation for the media every night, if an evangelical joined in as a running mate. And we already have a political entertainment mediator in place - Glenn Beck.

Fireworks will soon be bursting everywhere to rival the spectacular Melaleuca Freedom Celebration in the I-15 Corridor.