Judge Declares US Gay-marriage Ban Is Unconstitutional

This judge argues a long tradition of the Federal Government not intruding in the right of states to make their own marriage laws freely. His argument is fictional.

I note that he does not bring up the moderately large number of Supreme Court rulings overturning state laws against miscegenation because they violate the Federal constitution. This alone says the U.S. Supreme Court disagrees with him, and believes that the Federal Government can interfere in such matters.

Path to Supreme Court.
Then many will wish we had elected someone who would have appointed better Justices (if such a person was even on the ballot!)

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

Unfortunately, the same-sex marriage lobby will not stop after they acheive their goals of same-sex marriage in every state. After this comes the push to silence those who preach publicly against it and to censure the churches that stand against it.