"On its face, the policy seems logically inconsistent and impossible to enforce"
CT: Is the Christian Legal Society’s Loss a Loss for Everyone?“Will Democratic student clubs really accept Republicans as leaders? Will Hillel, a national Jewish campus group, embrace Muslim students as voting members? Will Sierra Club chapters follow student leaders who deny global warming?”
As the people of God, we believe in a sovereign God. His purposes will be accomplished whatever obstacles present themselves. While Scripture encourages us to pray for our governing officials, we are reminded that this world is not our home. Christ, not Caesar, is our Lord, our hope, and our salvation.
If—in the worst case scenario—several Christian chapters were to be derecognized as a result of this ruling, God’s mission on campus would continue. If access to newly arriving freshman were lost, if campus communication channels were closed or if access to university facilities were denied, the gospel would continue to be presented through small groups, Bible studies and off-campus large groups. Though limiting campus access would no doubt make ministry more difficult, God’s purposes will not be thwarted.
Two thumbs up.