David Berkowitz: redeemed man or con man?
[Berkowitz] “These friendships, relationships, are a precious and priceless gift from God,” he said. “Here I am, a convicted felon, a murderer, a man undeserving of anything that is good and wholesome. Yet, there are people who have found it in their heart to love me and have concern for me.Shows a repentant spirit.
“Also, these friendships help to connect me with the church, and with society,” Mr. Berkowitz said, adding, “It’s not a one-sided relationship but one of mutual giving.”
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If Berkowitz had converted to a false religion, including some apostate form of Christianity, they’d be cheering. Instead, because it is Bible-based Christianity, they are publicly questioning his conversion, and attaching a sinister quality to it by mentioning “politically powerful” Focus On The Family, as if they are using this guy to elect Republicans or raise money. The one guy that they get to question his conversion, this Coffey, they fail to mention whether he is a Christian. If Coffey isn’t a Christian, or if he adheres to a form of the religion that teaches moralism or ethics, then it makes it FAR MORE LIKELY for him to doubt the legitimacy of such a drastic conversion by the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul, who consented to the death of Stephen and played a role in the death of many Christians, was a convert. So was no less than the genocidal king Nebuchadnezzar. But contrast this with how THRILLED the media was when Mike Tyson - who to this day maintains his innocence - became a Marxist (with tattooes of Che Guevara and Mao Zhedong) and a Muslim.
Had Berkowitz joined some liberation theology church and was officiating over homosexuals marriages for the inmates in his prison, does anyone think that the New York Times would be so skeptical?
Had Berkowitz joined some liberation theology church and was officiating over homosexuals marriages for the inmates in his prison, does anyone think that the New York Times would be so skeptical?
Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura http://healtheland.wordpress.com