Have The Days of Christian Media Come and Gone?
I don’t think it’s just about Christian media, but print media overall. The embracing new technologies is forcing media outlets to consider other means of keeping their customer base. I think more companies could have seen this coming and not been so ‘shocked’. I try not to laugh when the local paper calls to sell subscriptions. Why on earth would I spend money on something already included in the price of my ISP? And then they say “Don’t you use coupons?” Well…. why buy coupons- what’s the point of that? And I can get those online now too…
Anyway, while I love all things digital, I don’t see the market for print media, Christian or secular, disappearing, but they definitely need to reconsider what it is they’re offering and what folks are willing to pay for it.
Anyway, while I love all things digital, I don’t see the market for print media, Christian or secular, disappearing, but they definitely need to reconsider what it is they’re offering and what folks are willing to pay for it.