George Rekers - founding board member of the anti-gay Family Research Council - travels to Europe with "Rentboy" escort.

Anti-gay organization founder travels with a ‘rentboy.’ More
It has been reported that Rekers, who is Baptist minister and top scholar the Christian right, hired a gay escort from to accompany him on a recent trip to Europe. … Rekers did not deny the issue saying he hired the person to carry his luggage since he had surgery recently. He also did not deny in meeting his escort in


Unless/until there is more to this story, I do not consider this to be newsworthy.

First of all, I have never heard of this fellow in question.
Secondly, it is all gossip, speculation and innuendo, apparently advanced by gay activists. This story could not be printed in your local newspaper.
If there is something to this, FRC will doubtless have to deal with it. Even then, most of the details would not be public information unless someone were to be charged with a crime by authorities, a lawsuit were to be brought, etc.

Church Ministries Representative, serving in the Midwest, for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

I have never heard of this guy, but I have sometimes marvelled at how a Christian who gets obsessed with opposing one particular sin sometimes seems to fall to that sin. Maybe one’s hatred of a sin is a consequence of his own struggle with it. Or, maybe opposing one particular sin gives a Christian an unhealthy interest in it and he falls to it.…

A recent article in an alternative newspaper cleverly gave false impressions of inappropriate behavior because of its misleading innuendo, incorrectly implying that Professor George Rekers used the Rentboy website to hire a prostitute to accompany him on a recent trip. Contrary to Internet stories based on this slanderous article, following medical advice Professor George Rekers requires an assistant to lift his luggage in his travels because of an ongoing condition following surgery. His family, local friends, and even another university professor colleague have offered to accompany him on trips to lift luggage. Professor Rekers was not involved in any illegal or sexual behavior with his travel assistant.

The Early Years

The idea of the Family Research Council originated at the 1980 White House Conference on Families. Among the conferees, James Dobson stood out because of his rare combination of Christian social values and academic and professional credentials. A practicing clinical psychologist and noted author, Dobson had recently transitioned into radio broadcasting and also launched a nonprofit, family service organization. He felt that the time was ripe to establish an organization that would drive the national debate on family issues. In 1983, the Family Research Council incorporated as a nonprofit educational institution in the District of Columbia; its founding board included Dobson and two noted psychiatrists, Armand Nicholoi Jr. of Harvard University and George Rekers of the University of South Carolina.

The strategy from the gay left is to embaress christians. That is, if you are opposed to homosexuality, then you must be a homosexual. The left is not even using the hypocrisy angle here to any large degree. But, the truth is the truth. Sin is Sin. And we are all sinners. We don’t exclude one and preach another. Wether there is hypocrisy or not, the truth is still the truth. If I say that murder is wrong, but I commit murder. Is murder still wrong? Does being a hypocrit negate the crime and imorality of murder? I think not
