Chaffetz drafting bill changing TSA procedures
The proposed legislation would require that a parent must give their consent before a child receives a pat-down, and that the child must remain with the parent while the pat-down is performed.
I think the TSA officer in the video did a good job, IMO, of patting down the little girl in a way as to not scare her, but I’m still scratching my head at the ‘necessity’ of patting down a 6 yo.
Chaffetz would like to put an end to those practices and continued his claim that there are better ways to protect Americans in the skies than full-body scans and pat-downs, a process he calls “security theater.” Chaffetz says TSA could protect the country just as well with the use of bomb sniffing dogs and behavioral screenings.Makes sense.
“That is what they do in the White House, the House of Representatives, and in the theater of war,” Chaffetz said about using the dogs. “They aren’t bringing in whole-body scanning machines, they are bringing in dogs.”
The congressman’s family had its own run-in with the TSA not long ago when his 15-year-old daughter was whisked away from the family at the airport security checkpoint to have a private pat-down without a parent present.
I’d be out of my cotton pickin’ mind if someone, even a security officer, took off with my kid to some secluded area to pat them down.