Lawmakers Push for Appeal of Day of Prayer Ruling

“A bipartisan group of House lawmakers Wednesday denounced a federal judge’s recent ruling that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional” More at Washington Times


why do religious leaders need or want an official government-sponsored day to organize a national day of prayer? world day of prayer functions just fine without any government agency.

Personally, I find it refreshing that our government is finally acting publicly like it has been privately for decades. Our nation has turned its back on God, allowed millions of children to be murdered in the womb, embraced all forms of wickedness and debauchery over the airwaves, and yet still wants to embrace God on occasions like Easter, Christmas, and the National Day of Prayer. What our country really needs is not a multi-faith “National Day of Prayer”, what we need is a “National Year of Repentance”. That event would be more in line with what we need, and it shouldn’t be lead by or endorsed by the government!

Serving the Savior, Pastor Wes Helfenbein 2 Cor. 5:17