"Almost no industry in modern life has done more to undermine Christian values than the film industry."
Tinseltown is of the world. Why should we expect worldly things to do anything but oppose legitimate Christianity? The result is either expecting worldly institutions to do what they cannot - which is truly honor Jesus Christ - or advocating a false, cultural or civil form of Christianity that unregenerate people can observe and worldly institutions can support. When you consider that the writer of this piece found the Sherwood Films to be “preachy” and “pious” (I wonder what the fellow thinks of “Pilgrim’s Progress” if the theologically unchallenging Sherwood movies offend him?), it is likely that his heart is after the latter.
Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura http://healtheland.wordpress.com