Love Letters from Schaap: "That is exactly what Christ desires for us. He wants to marry us + become eternal lovers!”
[Rob Fall]sound a lot like Gibbs’ Rules on NCIS. :D
how Mr. Schaap is going to handle the transfer from the county lock up to a federal pen (even if the place is a “Club Fed”).
Hoping to shed more light than heat..
Schaap will not be permitted sentencing to a camp due to the category of his offense. He will likely go to what is called a medium or low max which is standard and somewhere in his federal district if possible or to a facility which specializes in treating offenders with sex related convictions.
Is anyone else concerned that BJU is having Clarence Sexton speak at Bible Conference? Sexton, in very recent memory has put a stamp of approval on not only Jack Schaap (prior to the sex scandal of course), but also on First Baptist of Hammond and their new pastor. FBCH has not owned its sin nor is it admitting its idolatry of man which paved a clear path for Schaap to groom and prey upon his victim(s).
At best, Sexton has little to no discernment and I’m baffled that he’s on the schedule to speak this year.
Mod action: if you wish to discuss this please begin a new thread.
Got it, thanks Jim
That’s not a funny joke.
Leno may go that way for cheap laughs, but there’s nothing funny about rape or the Schaap case.
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells
The real news would be Jay Leno actually being funny.
Of course Jack Schaap is an embarrassment - and, I’m sorry, but the prospect of Schaap being asked to “dance” while in prison does evoke a wry smile.
(Look at me right now - I’m smiling wryly…)
But, I quickly become uncomfortable with Christians reveling in Schaap’s scandalous down-fall. The piling-on soon becomes something very similar to Leno —
…and I stand by my earlier assertion of Schaap as a sexual predator.
Records from federal attorneys show that Schaap started counseling the girl last spring after she was expelled from First Baptist’s high school because of a sexual relationship she had with someone else. A school administrator wrote to Schaap that the girl was hurt and confused at the time and that the administrator had convinced her to trust her church leaders and let them make decisions for her.
“The administrator further writes that the victim is willing to trust her leaders but is very scared,” Lozano said.
The administrator then asked Schaap to counsel her.
Schaap did so, and from the beginning took improper steps toward the girl, Lozano said. Church rules state that someone counseling a person of the opposite sex should not have closed-door sessions for more than 20 minutes. Schaap’s first session with the girl, who had attended the church for most of her life, lasted two hours behind a closed door. One session lasted six hours.
When staff questioned him on it, Lozano said, he responded by saying, “I made the rule, and I can break it.”
This certainly isn’t either:
He also wrote that God wanted them to be husband and wife and that he was leading her to a “better path of living — that’s what we call Righteousness.”
Lozano said he was concerned how Schaap used his power as a pastor and the fact that the girl had been taught her whole life to obey church leaders to “mold her into what you wanted.”
When a church technology employee finally found photos of Schaap with the victim, he told another church employee, who then approached Schaap’s wife. That’s when Schaap held a six-hour meeting with church employees, railing at them for their lack of loyalty and for questioning his actions. He then fired the one employee and later asked the technology employee if he could delete the photos and the more than 600 texts between Schaap and the victim.
The employee instead downloaded the photos and took them to other church officials, who went to the local law enforcement around the end of July.
So the solution to a woman who had an immoral sexual relationship was to expel her from school, then mandate that that she have counseling with the pastor (not a principal or teacher or counselor). Then when the Pastor starts putting himself in a compromising situation, he blatantly defies his own rule, fires an employee that questions him, and continues the relationship anyway.
No, that’s not intentional and predatory behavior. Not. At. All.
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells
Well Jay, you certainly have a right to develop concepts in your mind and attach them to words and insist they are what they are, though they are not as I see it. In this case, of course, I believe you have done this. This is not to say you do not have supporters who are eager, as you are, to attach “predator” to the sexual offender status of Schaap but for many it is a disservice to the effective use and categorization of the word, itself. Wiki, not known for its exhaustive scholarship, nevertheless contains an helpful point on the matter:
Distinction from sex offenders
The term “sexual predator” is often considered distinct from “sex offender”. Many U.S. states also see these differences legally. A sexual offender is a person who has committed a sexual offense. A sexual predator is often used to refer to a person who habitually seeks out sexual situations that are deemed exploitative. However, in some states, the term “sexual predator” is applied to anyone who has been convicted of certain crimes, regardless of whether or not there is a history of similar behavior. In the state of Illinois, for instance, a person convicted of any sex crime against a minor is designated a sexual predator, no matter the nature of the crime (violent versus statutory, a young child versus a teenager, etc.), and regardless of past behavior. This has led to criticism that the term is being misused, or overused, and thus has lost its original meaning and effectiveness.
To me the anxious and eager effort to label someone a sexual predator when, in fact, they have no history of this outside of a special case which speaks of a unique event in one’s life, is telling. It informs me of a insurmountable prejudice and an unreasonable insistence on the use of the extreme and pejorative which does not speak to the facts of the offense and does not meet the threshold in comparison to real sexual predators who have a history of such offenses which is discoverable. Thus, I do not expect to convince you of what I perceive to be a gross error on your part.
to me is the difference between a serial killer and a killer. Both have committed first degree murder. One has murdered more than one person in a pattern of homicide. The other’s victim, though murdered in the first degree, fits a certain set of circumstances and qualifications (e.g. the abusing party in a domestic violence situation) which no one else would fit.
Hoping to shed more light than heat..
A sexual predator is often used to refer to a person who habitually seeks out sexual situations that are deemed exploitative.
I think Schaap’s behavior definitely smacks of predation. His web of manipulation and lies is broad and intricate, and he went to great lengths to have opportunity to repeatedly exploit and victimize this girl.
The distinction you seem to ignore is the single event verses a documented pattern. A sexual predator has most commonly in view just what has been pointed about regarding serial murders and a single event murders which, themselves, can have elements of predation but such a person, though acting with forethought, malice and predation is not classified as a serial murderer. It is still a single or unique event, though possessing elements similar to a serial or predatory murderer. If having any elements of predation for sexual and relational development forces us to label Schaap a predator, it makes everyone a predator seeing every human involves themselves in some form of predation and many in sexual predation, though magically they don’t get called predators. A man who sends notes to a woman or flowers or a woman who flirts, she is grooming, hence it is predation and now we must call her a predator? Ridiculous of course but that is what happens when critical distinctions are ignored.