"To date, the feckless State Department has done nothing useful to defend these U.S. citizens."

EDITORIAL: Free the Baptist 10 in Haiti

Here’s an idea - why don’t the Clintons mobilize their considerable powers of office and help Haitian officialdom understand what normal people automatically comprehend: The Baptist missionaries were sacrificing their blood, sweat and tears in Haiti not for their own sake, but for those who are suffering. Haiti would be well-advised to free the missionaries before the world concludes that charitable service and contributions are unwelcome in that dismal land.


[URL=http://www.crosswalk.com/blogs/beam/11625998/ Haiti: Moving from Tragedy to Outrage[/URL]

….. so far State Department deputy spokesman Gordon Duguid has issued a statement saying, “We can confirm that the 10 American citizens remain in custody in Haiti. We continue to provide appropriate consular assistance and to monitor developments in the legal case.” In government speak that means the State Department is doing absolutely nothing.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton weighed in this weekend saying, “This is the time to let the Haitian judicial system, such as it is, handle the case.” This after the State Department called the Haitian judicial system “unacceptable.” They described it as a place where prisoners languish in prisons without trial in often-terrible conditions.

Does anyone doubt that if these middle class citizens were environmentalists from Massachusetts instead of Baptist missionaries from Idaho that all the influence of the U.S. Government would have already been brought to bear? If they were government employees sent to relieve the suffering of the children Jimmy Carter, Jesse Jackson and every major media outlet would already be on the scene. The media would be offering wall-to-wall coverage calling attention to what would be described as a travesty of justice.

No, these ten compassionate, courageous, and caring people are Christians. And since Christianity is neither politically correct nor culturally popular the injustice of their imprisonment will not be pointed out by the media elites or condemned by the State Department. Don’t look for rock stars or Hollywood elites to stage a rally to raise funds for their defense. After all, they are Christians, not political activists or anti-establishment zealots.