Philip Ryken Named Wheaton's Next President

Good for Wheaton in selecting a good man for the presidency

Bad for Tenth because Ryken was not able to tell them personally but the story was leaked prematurely by CT.

I remember this happened to FBC Dallas when Mac Brunson was called to FBC Jax and FBC Dallas found out via the internet and other means before Brunson was able to tell them personally.

[URL=] Announcement to the congregation, February 21, 2010[/URL]
It is with deep regret, but also with our blessing and a deep sense of God’s sovereign call to direct our lives as he best ordains, that the Session announces that our Senior Minister, Dr. Philip G. Ryken, has accepted the presidency of Wheaton College, beginning July 1. The Session will be meeting this coming Tuesday to begin planning for this transition in the life of our church.

We realize that God’s ways are not always our ways. We acknowledge that the Lord is doing a special and unique work in Dr. Ryken’s life, in the ongoing ministry at Tenth, in the ministry of Wheaton College, and in his kingdom worldwide. From a young age God had begun to prepare Phil Ryken for this strategic role in God’s kingdom. God has certainly endowed him with very special gifts: the gifts of teaching/preaching, administration, resolving interpersonal conflicts, as well as gifts of faith and prayer, all of which God has used in building the ministry at Tenth. The Lord has now called Phil to use these gifts at Wheaton College.