Conviction based investing

Five Flavors of Faith in ETF Format
FaithShares Trust Prospectus

“The Baptist Values Index has zero tolerance for, and therefore excludes from its Index, companies involved in the following activities: direct participation or support of abortion; the manufacture of alcoholic beverages; the ownership or operation of, or support of, gambling facilities, products or services; production of military weapons; the production, sale or distribution of pornography; and manufacture of tobacco products.”


I saw this in the WSJ and it piqued my interest. Now after reading their prospectus and the companies that they have chosen to invest in, I am not interested because they do not represent Baptist beliefs. I did not realize that Baptists had a problem with the production of military weapons. I also noticed that they have no problem in supporting or investing in companies that support gay rights/gay marriage/domestic partner benefits, etc.

I do not think this fund will get many investors.