TV: "the sickness of early sexualization in our entertainment culture"

not surprisingly, the fox news video continues the titillation with samples of the hyper-sexualization followed by a report on lindsay lohan and a playboy playmate with a staph infection.

anyway, the v, s, d & l modifiers mean different things between tv-pg, tv-14 and tv-ma. tv-14 won’t get an s unless there are “intense” sexual situations.

[ChrisC] not surprisingly, the fox news video continues the titillation with samples of the hyper-sexualization followed by a report on lindsay lohan and a playboy playmate with a staph infection.

anyway, the v, s, d & l modifiers mean different things between tv-pg, tv-14 and tv-ma. tv-14 won’t get an s unless there are “intense” sexual situations.
Disney has had - and largely gotten away with - having a preteen/teen girl exploitation factory for going on 15 years now, and a lot of the participants in their “family friendly” shows that feature tween/teen girls wearing skanky clothes and doing suggestive dances that were scandalous when adults first started doing them a few years ago on MTV and BET, and feature soap-opera style plotlines (i.e. love triangles and betrayal) are professed evangelicals (Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears are/were Southern Baptists, and the Jonas Brothers are Pentecostals). Many of the scandal-prone, troubled former child stars of today are either Disney products (Lindsay Lohan, the aforementioned Cyrus and Spears, and those are just a few, there are several more) or Disney imitators (Jessica Simpson, also Southern Baptist).

Not surprisingly, this so-called watchdog group doesn’t mention Disney because Disney promotes itself as being “family-friendly” and they choose not to cross certain imaginary arbitrary lines. But that’s a scam: it is ridiculous to think that tweens/teens are going to allow their emulation of their favorite Disney characters to stop at those lines. The worst part: Disney has figured out that they can get a higher profit margin on those tween exploitation shows than on cartoons, so that is all that they are making and showing these days: it is like they are the “Hannah Montana” channel.

Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura

Roland, I agree with your point, but I think you meant to cite Alexander Pope, “Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As to be hated needs but to be seen …” (Essay on Man)

Jeff Brown