James Randi (magician, author and debunker of bogus claims): "They want magic answers"

I was introduced to “The Amazing Randi” in my early adult years. He was hosting an hour long television show and effectively demystified many psychic codes and practices. Later I read a book he had written which covered, rather exhaustively, the prophecies of Nostradamus, in which he meticulously demonstrated that not one single alleged prophecy of Nostradamus’ was worthwhile.

James Randi has provided a great service with regard to the topic of the supernatural and many of those that claim its powers. However, he is not a Christian and you will find in his writings, if my memory serves me correctly, a complaint about the prophecies such as:

Matthew 24:34
I tell you the truth: this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Matthew 16:28
I tell you the truth: some standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.