The Problem with Praise Teams

“[C]ongregational praise is a commanded duty that can be audibly discerned; we should hear congregational praise when it is sung, and nothing else (choir, organ, marching band, bagpipe) should be permitted to obscure the thing that is commanded.”


[Chip Van Emmerik]

While both types of revelation have the same source, they do not carry the same authority simply because of clarity and purpose. General revelation is, by definition, much more vague than special revelation, and much less precise in it’s nature. For instance, general revelation tells us there is a Creator God to whom the creation is responsible. Special revelation tells us we are accountable before God for our rebellion against specific commands of God and can only come into right relationship with God through faith in the atoning substitutionary work of the God man Jesus.

Chip, while general revelation is indeed more vague than special revelation, I would still argue it has the same level of authority — God’s. Special revelation states that this general revelation leaves man “without excuse,” which of course, if he does not accept the message of the special revelation is still enough to condemn him, even if he never even sees the special revelation. I think that makes it clear that general revelation has *all* the authority of God behind it.

Dave Barnhart