Trump Triumphs!

Now if we can just impeach him fast enough, Pence will be Pres. and we can start to bring some sanity back to Washington. Best case scenario. Neither Clinton nor Trump. See? There’s always a silver lining.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

Pence might make a really good President, but I’d like to enjoy the hand-wringing of the mainstream media for just a little longer…

Dave Barnhart

Can’t deny there is some fun in watching that. From now to inauguration day will be enough of that though. I’d like to see Trump be the first Pres. to face impeachment procedings on his first day of office.

Won’t happen though. Nothing happens in politics from mid-November to January.

… and there’s the need to come up with credible charges meeting the constitutional standard. Details.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

I believe God has been merciful to a sinful, undeserving America, to temporarily retard the landslide toward political bondage and governmental religious persecution. It remains to be seen if Christians will awaken from their spiritual lethargy, repent, and return to Biblical Christianity in doctrine and behavior. We may not be given a another opportunity to change our churches and hence our nation, before irreversible decline sets in.

G. N. Barkman

What GN says. I confess that I struggled not to pray imprecatory prayers against BOTH top-liners this year, and now I must get down to business and pray for Trump’s repentance and wisdom in office—as I’ve tried (but often failed) with Obama.

And hey, hey, it could be, it could be….it is! Holy Cow, the Cubs win the Series (I’m very glad of that), and Trump takes down the Clinton machine (mixed pleasure of bullet-dodging). Can the end times be far away?

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

Sometimes God chooses an unlikely person to accomplish His will; Jephthah, John Baptist, Simon Peter, etc. Folks who may be a little crude and don’t fit our refined ways. Maybe God enjoys shaking things up every now and then. God can strike a mighty blow with a crooked stick.

And maybe Jerry Falwell, Jr., Robert Jeffress, Franklin Graham and many other evangelicals were not so wrong after all.

Time will tell.

But I am convinced Trump will give a much, much fairer hearing to freedom of speech, religious liberty, pro-life issues, and other Christian concerns, than Hillary.

Pray for wisdom for Trump and Pence.

David R. Brumbelow

I am saddened that a certain segment of Christianity has left the impression that an individual’s morality is no longer as important to them as it used to be.

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan

….it’s worth noting that impeachment can be for “high crimes and misdemeanors”, which is another way of saying just about anything goes. The only restriction is that reckless impeachment will tend to result in rear ends being kicked in the polls in the next election.

And yes, Ron’s exactly right that a lot of this election says that many “fundagelicals” have stopped believing that morality was as important as they made it out to be. I would even view it slightly more strongly than Ron phrased it—it’s not just an “impression” when Falwell and Dobson are waxing eloquent on how great a Christian Trump is. No, Jerry and James (and a bunch of others), I chose one because I felt the other was far more dangerous, that’s all.

One positive that conservatives need to remember from this is that Trump has just showed the GOP that if they pay attention to the needs of working class men and women, they will turn out en masse. He’s the first Republican (more or less) to carry Michigan since 1988, and the first one to carry Wisconsin since 1984. If he delivers, the political map changes drastically.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

Ron,although I understand your concern, I doubt that individual morality is actually less important than formerly. It’s just that the only realistic choices offered yielded two very defective candidates, morally speaking. However distasteful Trump’s morality, there is a much bigger picture to consider. (Actually, I believe the left is distorting the morality issue, as if Evangelical Christians are hypocrites for supporting Trump.) I know of no Christian who defends Trump’s immorality. Everyone I know decries it vehemently. But many, thankfully, had the wisdom to understand that, given the only two choices that could possibly become the next president, Trump needed to be supported to keep a far worse evil out of the White House. Even if Clinton had no history of immoral behavior (and we know the case can be made that she is as bad or worse than Trump in this regard), it would still be prudent to support Trump as the only possibility of keeping someone of Clinton’s political philosophy from the reins of power. Four more years of the present direction, and I’m afraid America would be destroyed.

G. N. Barkman

This Sunday, we had a gentleman visiting church for the first time. I asked him about it and he said “I told God if the Cubs won, I would go to church”! He was completely serious.

He seemed to enjoy church and promised to be back.

On the moral question Trump and Clintons are a wash, both have had a horrible history of sexual immorality. I voted for Ted Cruz in the primaries because I think he is a decent man, has a good political philosophy, professes to know Christ, and would have beaten HRC. There were other good, decent candidates running in the primaries that Christians could have voted for. Nevertheless, Trump won the Republican primary election. Christians could be faulted for not uniting behind those Republican candidates that had good personal morality and character. The billion dollars of free media, however, greatly contributed to Trump defeating his Republican opponents. The mainstream media believed that Trump would be an easier candidate for HRC to defeat than the others. They were wrong.

Once with the inevitable option of Trump or Clinton, Christians had to make another moral decision based on their biblical worldview. HRC is pro partial birth abortion, pro gay marriage, pro LGBTQ, anti-police, anti religious liberty, anti-military, pro-socialism, pro-sanctuary cities, naive and sympathetic to Islam, pro socialized medicine, pro open borders, anti school choice, panders to all the radical leftist groups bent on destroying the USA, an unmitigated and congenital liar, a multiple felon with her private server, obstruction of justice, and pay for play scheme with foreign governments.

Trump is anti-abortion, pro life, pro religious liberty, relegates LGBTQ issues to the states not the federal government, pro constitution, pro bill of rights, pro conservative supreme court justices, pro energy, pro tax cuts, pro free and fair enterprise, pro police, pro military and national defense, pro border control, anti illegal immigration, rightly suspicious of the Islamic world domination, anti Islamic Terrorism, pro school choice, pro Law and Order, did not pander to the hard leftist organizations bent on destroying America, surrounded himself with strong Christians like Pence\Huckabee and many other strong conservatives. Trump is the lesser of two evils in some sense. If I have a choice of amputating my leg or dying of infection, I will take the lesser of two evils and cut off my leg. With HRC our country and our freedom die. With Trump we might lose a leg. Trump will move to the center in order to help unite the country. Still, he will surround himself with much better people than HRC. Pray for his salvation and her’s as well. God has been merciful to our nation by giving us a conservative congress, senate, and hope for a conservative Supreme Court.

Pastor Mike Harding

Pastor Harding’s analysis is well-put, sensible, and biblically reasoned. Like it or not, and despite all the verbal circumlocution that often dances around an election’s issues, options and personalities, our constitutional republic at this point at least is binary in reality and function. Thankfully our legal citizens can also refrain from voting or can write on the ballot any name including their own or even Joe Palooka. Calls for immediate impeachment one day after the election seem a little premature and short-sighted.

Rolland McCune

I didn’t vote for Trump. I indicated Trump on my ballot because I did NOT want Hillary. For me to have voted for Hillary would have taken a Darth-Vader/Sauron opposing ticket. (But then I would have gone third party).